AI Beats Humans on Unsolved Math Problem
Large language model does better than human mathematicians trying to solve combinatorics problems inspired by the card game Set
AI Beats Humans on Unsolved Math Problem
Large language model does better than human mathematicians trying to solve combinatorics problems inspired by the card game Set
How Cryptographic ‘Secret Sharing’ Can Keep Information Safe
One safe, five sons and betrayal: this principle shows how shared knowledge can protect secrets—without having to trust anyone
How Quantum Math Theory Turned into a Jazz Concert
A mathematician and a musician collaborated to turn a quantum research paper into a jazz performance
The Devastating Logic of Christine Ladd-Franklin
This early feminist fought for the credit she deserved for her deductive reasoning system and her educational qualifications
An Ancient Art Form Topples Assumptions about Mathematics
The sand drawings of Vanuatu follow principles from a branch of mathematics known as graph theory
Is the Lottery Ever a Good Bet?
The surprisingly subtle math behind the Powerball and Mega Millions
Simple Formula Makes Prime Numbers Easy, but a Million-Dollar Mystery Remains
A generator equation can spit out many prime numbers, but it leaves important mathematical questions unanswered
Could Math Design the Perfect Electoral System?
Graphics reveal the intricate math behind ranked choice voting and how to design the best electoral system, sometimes with bizarre outcomes
All Natural Numbers Are Either Happy or Sad. Some Are Narcissistic, Too
The number 1 is among the happiest numbers, 4 is sad, and both are narcissistic
A Married Bachelor Proves That Unicorns Exist
The “principle of explosion” explains why a single contradiction would destroy math
How Mathematical Objects Are like People and Other Mysteries of Intersection Theory
A Q&A with Hannah Larson, a recipient of the 2024 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize
How Warren Buffett Rigged a Dice Game with Bill Gates
Weird math can explain why Warren Buffett had the advantage in a dice game against Bill Gates