Which Lost Species May be Found Again? Huge Study Reveals Clues
There are 856 mammal, bird, amphibian and reptile species currently missing—but researchers continue to search
Which Lost Species May be Found Again? Huge Study Reveals Clues
There are 856 mammal, bird, amphibian and reptile species currently missing—but researchers continue to search
Coast Redwoods Are Enduring, Adaptable Marvels
Redwoods, like all trees, are engineered marvels that offer life lessons about adapting over time
What’s Missing from the Emoji Animal Kingdom?
In the digital age, some scientists argue the emojisphere should better represent Earth’s biosphere—tardigrades, flatworms and all
How a Parasitic Worm Forces Praying Mantises to Drown Themselves
Thieving worms may manipulate their prey with stolen genes
Turns Out Undersea Kelp Forests Are Crucial to Salmon
The beloved fish that feed orcas and humans depend on kelp forests’ unique habitat.
Wildfire Brought Wolves Back to Southern California after 150 Years
Wolves and other animals seeking easy meals and ideal habitat can flock into areas burned by wildfire
Invasive ‘Cocaine Hippos’ Are Being Sterilized in Colombia
To deal with invasive hippos that were brought to Colombia by drug lord Pablo Escobar—and that threaten the country’s biodiversity—the nation’s government is sterilizing, exporting and euthanizing the animals
Mysterious Galápagos Reefs Harbor Strawberry Squid and Other Fantastic Creatures
A deep-sea expedition discovers a strange, dark world of strawberry squid and ratfish in cold-water corals near the Galápagos Islands
Can We Save Every Species from Extinction?
The Endangered Species Act requires that every U.S. plant and animal be saved from extinction, but after 50 years, we have to do much more to prevent a biodiversity crisis
How AI Can Help Save Endangered Species
Scientists are using artificial intelligence to fight biodiversity loss by analysing vast amounts of data, monitoring ecosystems and spotting trends over time
‘Air-Conditioning’ Rivers and Streams Could Save Overheated Fish
Warming waters pose a danger to Atlantic salmon. A new effort aims to lower the temperature in waterways used by the fish to spawn
Thousands More Puzzling ‘Fairy Circles’ Have Been Found around the World
These mysterious spots of barren soil have fascinated scientists for years. Now evidence of their existence beyond two known locations is stirring up a fresh round of contention