Why Is the Amazon So Important for Climate Change?
Here’s why the Amazon rain forest is key to protecting Earth from the detrimental effects of climate change
Why Is the Amazon So Important for Climate Change?
Here’s why the Amazon rain forest is key to protecting Earth from the detrimental effects of climate change
One Third of the Amazon Has Been Degraded by Human Activities
A pair of studies raise concerns that the Amazon rain forest may be approaching a point of no return
Indigenous Groups Are Key to Reversing Amazon Destruction
As world leaders return home from COP27 and prepare for other meetings, they must listen to Indigenous peoples and the plans they bring to the table to quell extraction from the Amazon
Brazil’s New President Vows to Save Amazon Forests
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva says he’ll stop illegal destruction of rain forests allowed under former president Jair Bolsonaro. Will Brazilians support him?
Putting Cows in Forests Could Prevent Heat-Related Losses
Researchers say Indigenous “silvopasture” practices of raising livestock in naturally forested areas could be a critical tool to protect cows from climate change
It’s Getting Harder for Forests to Recover from Disasters
As the world warms, forests are becoming less resilient in the face of fires, droughts and other disruptive events
Millions of Trees Were Removed in 2021, Hurting Climate Goals
The dramatic loss of tree cover in the tropics and northern boreal forests is releasing vast amounts of carbon dioxide
Biden Aims to Protect the Nation’s Old Trees to Help with Carbon Removal
The president is issuing an executive order requiring the federal government to catalog the nation’s biggest trees
Amazon Rain Forest Nears Dangerous ‘Tipping Point’
It is losing its ability to recover from disturbances such as drought, wildfire and human development, researchers say
Bird Feeders Are Good for Some Species—But Possibly Bad for Others
Studies of bird feeding in the U.K. raise concerns about the ecological impacts of provisioning our feathered friends
Gold Mining Is Poisoning Amazon Forests with Mercury
Mitigation strategies typically do not include forests, but my team’s research suggests they should
Trees Have the Potential to Live Indefinitely
Trees die as a result of severe damage, but some have overcome storms, droughts, fires, and more to survive for thousands of years