Eye Tests May Help Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease
A host of different retinal exams are being evaluated as potential Alzheimer’s screening methods
Eye Tests May Help Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease
A host of different retinal exams are being evaluated as potential Alzheimer’s screening methods
Making Computer Chips Act More like Brain Cells
Flexible organic circuits that mimic biological neurons could increase processing speed and might someday hook right into your head
Treating Alzheimer’s Before It Takes Hold
Researchers are giving drugs to healthy people in hope of clearing away toxic proteins in the brain and preventing neurodegeneration.
Cells Deep in Your Brain Place Time Stamps on Memories
Researchers are unlocking not just the “what” and “where” of a recollection but also the “when”
How Certain Gestures Help You Learn New Words
Researchers used headsets that release disruptive magnetic pulses to study how motor brain areas contribute to the effect
Digital Heads Help Eyewitnesses Identify Suspects
Witnesses were more accurate when they interacted with 3-D models than when they looked at still photographs. And the models were less expensive than an in-person lineup