Stop Asking If the Universe Is a Computer Simulation
We will never know if we live in a computer simulation; here is a more interesting question
Stop Asking If the Universe Is a Computer Simulation
We will never know if we live in a computer simulation; here is a more interesting question
Why Do Christmas Songs Get Stuck in Your Head So Easily?
If holiday music seems designed in a lab to get stuck on repeat inside your head for all of December, well, it kind of is
Is Snoozing the Alarm Good or Bad for Your Health?
New research suggests that hitting the snooze button to squeeze in an extra five or 10 minutes of sleep may actually be good for you
People Pay Attention Better Today Than 30 Years Ago—Really.
A rise in IQs in recent decades is mirrored by a trend showing an increase in adults’ ability to concentrate
Rats Use the Power of Imagination to Navigate and Move Objects in a VR Landscape
Experiments visualize a rodent’s ability to imagine the future
‘Olfactory Training’ during Sleep Could Help Your Memory
Participants who smelled odors while they slept performed better on word-recall tests
Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?
A theory called panpsychism proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality
A Broken Employment System Leaves Autistic Adults Stranded
Only 1.1 percent of autistic adults in the U.S. access key publicly funded employment services. A broken disability service system is why
Trying to Train Your Brain Faster? Knowing This Might Help with That
Are you working really hard to learn something? Remember this counterintuitive fact, and you might improve your learning curve.
Blood Clotting Proteins Might Help Predict Long COVID Brain Fog
New research suggests that blood clotting from COVID infections could contribute to long-term brain fog and other cognitive issues
What Happens when People with Dementia Commit Crimes?
When criminal behavior overlaps with degenerative cognitive disease, the justice system often falters
Hearing Aids Stave Off Cognitive Decline
Hearing aids may help maintain better brain functions in older people and better health overall.