World's First Malaria Vaccine Delayed as WHO Experts Urge Caution
The decision is likely to delay a possible broad roll-out of the shot for between three and five years
World's First Malaria Vaccine Delayed as WHO Experts Urge Caution
The decision is likely to delay a possible broad roll-out of the shot for between three and five years
Medicine Nobel Recognizes Fights against Malaria and River Blindness
A Chinese herbal remedy and a drug made from soil bacteria lead three researchers to a share in the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
President’s Malaria Initiative Enters Its Second Phase
The extremely successful global healthcare program sets malaria eradication goals in some countries
Malaria Parasite Attracts Mosquitoes with Perfume
The Plasmodium parasite uses an altered type of plant chloroplast to manufacture pine-and-lemon-scented chemicals, which lure in the bloodsuckers. Christopher Intagliata reports
Robot Scientist Discovers Potential Malaria Drug
The machine called Eve is packed with innovations for finding drugs faster
Giving Birth To A Tropical Parasite [Video Not For The Squeamish]
“Why is it that an animal that is actively trying to kill us, such as a lion, gets more respect than one that is only trying to nibble on us a little, without causing much harm?” -Piotr Naskrecki Biologist Piotr Naskrecki, who traveled with me to Belize last year, returned home to find himself incubating [...]
Malaria Death Rates Fall
Malaria deaths have dropped dramatically since 2000 and cases are falling steadily as more people are properly diagnosed and treated and more get mosquito nets, the WHO said
Why Ebola is a Wake Up for Infection Control
Just as the CDC’s and other experts’ thoughts on Ebola and infection control have evolved with experience, mine have taken a slight twist as well.
Mosquitoes Have Flying, Blood-Sucking Parasites of Their Own
The biting midge Culicoides (Trithecoides) anophelis Edwards is a predator of engorged mosquitoes, which was first described by Edwards in 1922 [1].At least 19 mosquito species in the genera Anopheles, Culex, Aedes and Armigeres have been documented as hosts of C.
U.S. Department of Defense Health Official Speaks Out on Ebola and Other Threats
Earlier this month, I posted a Q&A on the Ebola outbreak with a Stevens colleague, medical anthropologist Theresa MacPhail. MacPhail also put me in touch with someone who could provide more insight into the outbreak, Dr.
Premature Deaths Multiply as Climate Changes
The Word Health Organization estimates that an additional 250,000 people will die every year between 2030 and 2050 thanks to global warming
Malarial Mice Smell Better to Mosquitoes
Mice infected with the parasites that cause their type of malaria produce odorous compounds that attract mosquitoes, increasing the odds that the parasites will be spread to the next victims