Can You Diagnose Dementia from a Gaming App?
More than two million healthy people played a game that could detect declining navigation skills, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s
Can You Diagnose Dementia from a Gaming App?
More than two million healthy people played a game that could detect declining navigation skills, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s
New Alzheimer’s Drug Clears Milestone in Human Clinical Trial
A brain plaque inhibitor developed by Merck is now being tested in larger studies for efficacy against the still unstoppable neurodegenerative disease
Could a Diabetes Drug Help Beat Alzheimer's Disease?
Metformin may slow or reverse dementia and cognitive impairment, even in nondiabetics
Alzheimer's Drug Shows Promise in Small Trial
Patients who received the antibody therapy had reduced levels of amyloid protein in their brains after one year
Alzheimer’s Patients Face Flurry of Fees While Waiting for Specialized Care
The costs for reminders to eat, shower or take medication can be staggering
Could Trashing Junk Proteins Quash Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and Huntington’s?
Scientists search for the Marie Kondo of the brain—a drug to clear cellular debris
Brain Training Cuts Dementia Risk a Decade Later
How a brief intervention could have such long-lasting results remains unclear
Artificial Intelligence Could Help Catch Alzheimer's Early
AI algorithms used with MRI brain scans help distinguish between patients with Alzheimer's and two early forms of dementia that can be precursors to the memory-robbing disease
Obscure Disease May Offer Backdoor to New Treatments for Alzheimer's and Other Killers
Progressive supranuclear palsy has become a test bed for therapies aimed at the tau protein thought to be behind many devastating neurodegenerative disorders
Antimicrobial Mechanism Gone Rogue May Play Role in Alzheimer's Disease
A new study finds that a key protein implicated in Alzheimer’s may normally protect the brain from infection
Uncovering New Players in the Fight Against Alzheimer's
Research on a key brain immune cell suggests it is a tantalizing but slippery target for new therapies
New Clues Show Out-of-Control Synapse Pruning May Underlie Alzheimer's
A study in mice shows that the normal process by which the brain prunes excess synapses during development may be hijacked early on in the progression of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases