Why the ‘Sleeping Beauty Problem’ Is Keeping Mathematicians Awake
A thought experiment that’s dividing mathematicians can help illuminate how belief shapes rational decisions
Manon Bischoff is a theoretical physicist and editor at Spektrum, a partner publication of Scientific American.
Why the ‘Sleeping Beauty Problem’ Is Keeping Mathematicians Awake
A thought experiment that’s dividing mathematicians can help illuminate how belief shapes rational decisions
How Much Does ‘Nothing’ Weigh?
The Archimedes experiment will weigh the void of empty space to help solve a big cosmic puzzle
Information Theory Finds the Best Wordle Starting Words
Information theory can help people mathematically calculate the best starting guess for a popular online game
Newfound Mathematical ‘Einstein’ Shape Creates a Never-Repeating Pattern
A new shape called an einstein has taken the math world by storm. The craggy, hat-shaped tile can cover an infinite plane with patterns that never repeat.
Top Math Prize Awarded for Describing the Dynamics of the Flow of Rivers and the Melting of Ice
Argentine mathematician Luis Caffarelli has won the 2023 Abel Prize for making natural phenomena more understandable and eliminating dreaded “infinities” from a calculation
The World’s Simplest Theorem Shows That 8,000 People Globally Have the Same Number of Hairs on Their Head
Hairiness is the perfect way to demonstrate the math underlying the “pigeonhole principle,” first conceived in 1622
The Most Boring Number in the World Is ...
That prime numbers and powers of 2 fascinate many people comes as no surprise. In fact, all numbers split into two camps: interesting and boring
Geometry Reveals the Tricks behind Gerrymandering
Some voting districts are tilted intentionally toward one party or another—a factor in the midterms. Geometry plays a critical role in gerrymandering
Ramsey Theory Extracts Order from Chaos when Sorting through Confusing Arrangements of Numbers
Mathematician Frank Ramsey showed how to discover coherent patterns among a multitude of number groupings
Can God Be Proved Mathematically?
Some mathematicians have sought a logical proof for the existence of God. Here’s what they discovered
Statistics Are Being Abused, but Mathematicians Are Fighting Back
An expert explains how numbers can mislead and what she’s doing to help people understand them better