In a First, Scientists See How Water Stores Extra Protons
Scientists capture complex structure in a molecule-deep pool of ice
In a First, Scientists See How Water Stores Extra Protons
Scientists capture complex structure in a molecule-deep pool of ice
2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded for a New Way of Building Molecules
Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and K. Barry Sharpless share the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering an easy way to “click” molecular building blocks together
See Crystals Form a Mesmerizing World of Microscopic Landscapes
A pandemic micrography project
How AI Could Prevent the Development of New Illicit Drugs
The DarkNPS algorithm has predicted the formulas of millions of potential drugs
Mammoth Tusk Reveals Ancient Mammal’s Travels
Chemical analyses showed an individual mammoth made an epic journey across Alaska
Why Frozen Turkeys Explode When Deep-Fried
When water and boiling oil mix, the result can be volatile
Tiny Vibrating Bubbles Could Make Mining More Sustainable
An updated bubbling process allows for more efficient mineral separation
What’s Brewing in a Beer Is Startling Complexity
High-powered chemistry lets researchers trace a beer back to its ingredients
New Molecular Tool Kit Wins Chemistry Nobel
Two chemists devised a faster, cleaner and more precise way to construct drug molecules and other modern materials
The Science inside Your Ice Cream
A new video series from Scientific American and Spektrum der Wissenschaft gives you a serving of science.
How Could the Beirut Explosion Happen? Experts Explain
To get to the roots of disasters like this one, investigators rely on video footage, documents, interviews and other evidence
What Is Ammonium Nitrate, the Chemical That Exploded in Beirut?
The blast injured thousands and killed at least 78 people