Do Insects Have an Inner Life? Animal Consciousness Needs a Rethink
A declaration signed by dozens of scientists says there is “a realistic possibility” for elements of consciousness in reptiles, insects and mollusks
Do Insects Have an Inner Life? Animal Consciousness Needs a Rethink
A declaration signed by dozens of scientists says there is “a realistic possibility” for elements of consciousness in reptiles, insects and mollusks
U.S. Needs to Better Track Bird Flu Spread in Farm Animals, Farm Workers, Epidemiologist Says
Four years after a mysterious respiratory virus jumped from animals into humans and launched the COVID pandemic, wary epidemiologists are keeping a close eye on a strain of avian influenza that is spreading among U.S. dairy cows
Bird Flu Is Spreading in Cows. Here’s What That Means for Milk
H5N1 influenza virus particles have been detected in commercially sold milk, but it’s not clear how the virus is spreading in cattle or whether their milk could infect humans
Can You Eat Cicadas? Can Your Dog Do So?
Here’s what a chef, a vet and two anthropologists have to say about eating periodical cicadas
We Are in the Golden Age of Bird-Watching
There has never been a better time to be or become a birder
This Tiny Fish Makes an Ear-Blasting Screech for Love
A rice-grain-size fish screams louder than a jackhammer—and we have a lot to learn from its minuscule brain
Fiddler Crabs Unleash Special Vibrations to Attract Mates—And Deter Foes
Social context shapes how fiddler crabs communicate by vibrating the ground underneath their burrows
Why Feathers Are One of Evolution’s Cleverest Inventions
Fossil and living birds reveal the dazzling biology of feathers
The Dark Side of Nostalgia for Wild, Untouched Places
A novel about the tensions between nature and modernity, animal social networks, and more books out now
Venomous Snakes May Spread into Vulnerable Communities because of Climate Change
Deadly bites could surge as venomous snakes migrate into unprepared countries as the climate changes
8 Ways to Protect Wildlife Near Your Home
However much outdoor space you have, here’s how to use it for conservation
Do Sperm Whales Have Culture?
As hard as it is to study these denizens of the deep, researchers have found some intriguing evidence to support the idea that “sperm whale culture” exists.