NASA’s Artemis Astronauts Will Help Grow Crops on the Moon—And Much More
When astronauts return to the moon later this decade, they’ll bring along science experiments to study moonquakes, lunar water ice and extraterrestrial agriculture
NASA’s Artemis Astronauts Will Help Grow Crops on the Moon—And Much More
When astronauts return to the moon later this decade, they’ll bring along science experiments to study moonquakes, lunar water ice and extraterrestrial agriculture
Space-Junk Strike in Florida Signals New Era of Orbital Debris
Three years ago astronauts threw out the largest piece of trash ever tossed from the International Space Station. Now some of it has punched a hole through a house in Naples, Fla.
Could Gravitational-Wave ‘Memories’ Prove Einstein Wrong?
According to Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the universe remembers every gravitational wave—and scientists could soon test these cosmic recollections
NASA’s New Asteroid Sample Is Already Rewriting Solar System History
Scientists have scarcely begun studying pristine material from asteroid Bennu brought back to Earth by the OSIRIS-REx mission, but have already found several surprises
Astronomers Fight to Save X-ray Telescope as NASA Dishes Out Budget Cuts
The Chandra X-ray Observatory faces a premature end under new funding cuts proposed by NASA—and astronomers aren’t happy
In NASA’s Push for the Moon, Commercial Partners Soar—And Stumble
NASA’s partnership with private industry to accelerate the U.S.’s return to the moon is delivering lunar payloads—and mixed results
Voyager 1’s Immortal Interstellar Requiem
NASA is reaching across more than 15 billion miles to rescue its malfunctioning Voyager 1 probe—but this hallowed interstellar mission can’t live forever
Japan’s Lunar Landing Was Lopsided—And Transformative
Japan’s SLIM lander has sparked a new era of precision landings, with big implications for lunar science and exploration
NASA’s Hopes for Space Solar Power Are Looking Dim
Exorbitant launch costs and daunting engineering challenges make the dream of space-
based solar power look dicey for the space agency
JWST Will Finally Hunt for Alien Moons—And Much More
The next year of science for the James Webb Space Telescope has been selected. It includes remote galaxy observations and, at last, a hunt for exomoons
‘Ring of Fire’ Rocket Engines Put a New Spin on Spaceflight
Rotating detonation engines developed by NASA and others could spark a rocketry revolution
We Need to Investigate UFOs—But Without the Distraction of Conspiracy Theories
A former government official calls for investigating unidentified anomalous phenomena without succumbing to conspiracy theories about extraterrestrials