To Get Kids Interested in Science, We Have to Let Them Do Science
A pilot program for high schoolers offers a blueprint in getting students involved in cutting-edge particle physics research
To Get Kids Interested in Science, We Have to Let Them Do Science
A pilot program for high schoolers offers a blueprint in getting students involved in cutting-edge particle physics research
Scientists Find a New Spin on Winning the ‘Bottle Flip’ Challenge
Do try this at home
Quantum Physics Can Explain Earth’s Weather
By treating Earth as a topological insulator—a state of quantum matter—physicists found a powerful explanation for the twisting movements of the planet’s air and seas
Will Scientists Ever Find a Theory of Everything?
Physicists are on an ever urgent quest to find a fuller understanding of what makes the cosmos tick, which they call a theory of everything
‘Quantum Superchemistry’ Observed for the First Time Ever
A new type of chemistry performed at very cold temperatures on very small particles enables quick, precise reactions
The Most Surprising Discoveries in Physics
Experts weigh in on the most shocking, paradigm-shifting and delightful findings in the history of physics
This Quantum Fluid Freezes When Heated
Physicists finally understand why heating a supercold quantum fluid freezes it into a solid
Black Holes Evaporate—Now Physicists Think Everything Else Does, Too
Particle by particle, all matter may eventually disappear, according to new calculations
Quantum Light Experiment Proves Photosynthesis Starts with a Single Photon
Scientists have used quantum technology to track individual particles of light as they begin the process of photosynthesis
The Weirdest Particles in the Universe
Neutrinos are bizarre and ubiquitous and may just break the rules of physics
The Universe Began with a Bang, Not a Bounce, New Studies Find
New research pokes holes in the idea that the cosmos expanded and then contracted before beginning again
Quantum Theory’s ‘Measurement Problem’ May Be a Poison Pill for Objective Reality
Solving a notorious quantum quandary could require abandoning some of science’s most cherished assumptions about the physical world