Mars Has a Surprise Layer of Molten Rock Inside
Fresh investigations find that the Red Planet’s liquid-metal core is smaller than scientists thought
Mars Has a Surprise Layer of Molten Rock Inside
Fresh investigations find that the Red Planet’s liquid-metal core is smaller than scientists thought
Here’s How to Bring Mars Down to Earth: Let NASA Do What NASA Does Best
Increasing NASA’s budget would ease pressure and allow it to dream even bigger
‘Monster Quake’ Hints at Mysterious Source within Mars
Images from each and every spacecraft now orbiting Mars have ruled out a meteorite strike as the cause of a 4.7-magnitude marsquake, the strongest temblor ever detected beyond Earth
Bringing Mars Rocks to Earth Could Cost an Astronomical $11 Billion
NASA’s Perseverance rover has collected valuable samples, but a new report says the plan to fetch them is unworkable
Mars Sample-Return Missions Could Reduce Tensions with China on Earth
The U.S. may not beat China at retrieving Martian rocks first, according to an independent review board’s conclusion. But the U.S. can still lead with an exchange of samples here on Earth
This Is How the First-Ever U.S. Asteroid Sample Return Will Unfold
Scientists are gearing up for a high-stakes finale to OSIRIS-REx, the first U.S. mission to snare a sample from an asteroid
Musk and Bezos Offer Humanity a Grim Future in Space Colonies
Privately owned space colonies are more likely to be totalitarian nightmares than libertarian utopias
NASA’s Interplanetary Plans May Be Lurching toward Disaster
Delays and budgetary overruns are causing many to worry that NASA’s ambitious planetary science program is at a breaking point
Where Did Mars’s Moons Come From?
New results from a U.A.E. orbiter suggest Mars’s moons may be pieces of the planet. A Japanese mission will tell us for sure
Mars Rovers Might Miss Signs of Alien Life, Study Suggests
The hunt for Martian life focuses on detecting organic molecules that could indicate its past existence. Are our instruments up to the task?
NASA’s Perseverance Rover May Already Have Evidence of Ancient Martian Life
A half-kilogram’s worth of samples gathered by NASA’s Perseverance rover for eventual return to Earth holds weighty implications for life on Mars
Three Easy Ways to Make AI Chatbots Safer
The tech industry is rushing headlong into the chatbot gold rush. We need prompt, focused regulation that keeps pace