Airlines Grapple with Flights Delayed by Climate-Fueled Heat
Longer, more intense heat waves fueled by climate change could make it harder for planes to get off the ground
Airlines Grapple with Flights Delayed by Climate-Fueled Heat
Longer, more intense heat waves fueled by climate change could make it harder for planes to get off the ground
Hackers Could Use Electric Vehicle Chargers to Attack the Power Grid
Hackers have already infiltrated electric vehicle chargers, usually for innocuous reasons, but bad actors could use that foothold to bring down the power grid
Yes, Airline Flights Are Getting Bumpier: Here’s Why
Clear-air turbulence is becoming more frequent and more intense as the atmosphere warms
Where Are the Worst Bridges in the U.S.?
More than 42,000 highway bridges across the country are in “poor” condition, according to national bridge inspection standards
Missing Titanic Sub: What Could Have Gone Wrong?
A submersible called Titan has gone missing on a dive to the remains of of the Titanic
California’s Ambitious Push for Cleaner Trucks and Trains Needs Charging Overhaul
California state regulators are expected to approve regulations imposing stricter climate rules on trains and trucks, but the charging infrastructure to power them is lacking
Why We’re Suddenly Spotting Spy Balloons
Every question we have about the airborne objects that may or may not be spying on the U.S.
Making the Entire U.S. Car Fleet Electric Could Cause Lithium Shortages
Converting the existing U.S. car fleet to electric vehicles would require more lithium than the world currently produces, showing the need to move away from private cars as a primary means of travel
Government Researchers Aim for Better—And Cheaper—Batteries
Department of Energy researchers are partnering with battery manufacturers to help them find new ways to make cheap batteries that can store a lot of energy
Drones Bearing Parcels Deliver Big Carbon Savings
Last-mile delivery by a small drone takes much less energy per package than delivery by diesel truck
Electric Planes Take Off
More than 170 projects are underway worldwide
White House Rolls Out $5-Billion Electric Vehicle Charging Program
The announcement unleashes a flood of federal money to states for the construction of a national network of charging stations