Black Holes, Quantum Entanglement and the No-Go Theorem
New research shows that there are problems even quantum computers might never be able to solve
Black Holes, Quantum Entanglement and the No-Go Theorem
New research shows that there are problems even quantum computers might never be able to solve
Will Quantum Computing Ever Live Up to Its Hype?
One expert warns that the field is overpromising, while another says his firm is on the verge of building “useful” machines
How Quantum Computing Could Remake Chemistry
It will bring molecular modeling to a new level of accuracy, reducing researchers’ reliance on serendipity
Will Quantum Computers Truly Serve Humanity?
Let’s take advantage of this early stage of their development to avoid the mistakes of past technological upheavals
The Quantum Computer Revolution Must Include Women
Physics is still dominated by men, which means we’re largely missing out on the talents of half the population
Light-Based Quantum Computer Exceeds Fastest Classical Supercomputers
The setup of lasers and mirrors effectively “solved” a problem far too complicated for even the largest traditional computer system
Google’s Quantum Computer Achieves Chemistry Milestone
A downsized version of the company’s Sycamore chip performed a record-breaking simulation of a chemical reaction
Physicists Create City-Sized Ultrasecure Quantum Network
Capable of connecting eight or more users across distances of 17 kilometers, the demonstration is another milestone toward developing a fully quantum Internet
Quantum Computing May Be Closer Than You Think
Five new quantum information science centers will marry the R&D strengths of academia, industry and U.S. national laboratories
How to Ensure the U.S.’s Quantum Future
It hinges on the country remaining a global beacon for international STEM talent
The Quantum App Store Is Coming
Quantum computing is still the province of specialized programmers—but that is likely to change very quickly
Quantum Slits Open New Doors
An update to the classic “double-slit” experiment paves the way toward a novel strategy for quantum computing