The U.S. Must Take Responsibility for Nuclear Fallout in the Marshall Islands
Congress needs to fund independent research on radioactive contamination and how to clean it up
The U.S. Must Take Responsibility for Nuclear Fallout in the Marshall Islands
Congress needs to fund independent research on radioactive contamination and how to clean it up
How Many Nuclear Weapons Exist, and Who Has Them?
Nuclear states admit to owning about 13,000 warheads, but the real number could be higher
‘Limited’ Tactical Nuclear Weapons Would Be Catastrophic
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shows the limits of nuclear deterrence
The Manhattan Project Shows Scientists’ Moral and Ethical Responsibilities
As more of physics research is funded by the military, it is important to learn the full history of our past
Nuclear-Testing ‘Downwinders’ Speak about History and Fear
An archival project aims to document the experiences of people who suffered from U.S. nuclear weapons testing
Hypersonic Weapons Can’t Hide from New Eyes in Space
Tracking the missiles is like picking out one light bulb against a background of light bulbs, but new technology aims to see them more clearly
Fears of Future Belligerence Should Not Derail Iranian Nuclear Deal
While many provisions of the proposed agreement expire after 15 years, the dynamics of the Middle East are shifting too quickly to predict what lies in store
Atomic Reporters Aim to Improve Nuclear Coverage
Yes, the Cold War ended long ago, but we still live in a nuclear-armed world, in which the possibility of nuclear war, terrorism and accidents is all too real.
Will Mutual Assured Destruction Continue to Deter Nuclear War?
Does deterrence prohibit the total abolishment of nuclear weapons?
X-Ray Method Could Improve Nuclear Screening
A rapid imaging technique adapted from medical applications shows promise in the detection of nuclear materials
Elevated Radiation Found in Air near New Mexico Nuclear Waste Site
Why the world needs more Leo Szilards
The body of men and women who built the atomic bomb was vast, diverse, talented and multitudinous. Every conceivable kind of professional – from theoretical physics to plumber – worked on the Manhattan Project for three years over an enterprise that spread across the country and equalled the US automobile industry in its marshaling of [...]