How to Avoid Holiday Hangovers, According to Science
Scientific American asked experts about the factors that shape how drunk someone gets during a night out and how bad a hangover they might have the next morning
How to Avoid Holiday Hangovers, According to Science
Scientific American asked experts about the factors that shape how drunk someone gets during a night out and how bad a hangover they might have the next morning
Fathers’ Drinking May Affect Fertility and Fetal Brain Development
Historically, only women’s drinking was considered a risk during pregnancy, but new research points to the role of fathers’ habits as well
Scientists Have ID’d the Worm in Your Mescal
A team of moth and butterfly scientists decided to go from a restaurant bar to the lab bench to understand mescal’s iconic “worm”
Almost Half of Cancer Deaths Are Preventable
Data show that smoking, drinking alcohol and having a high body mass index are the biggest contributors to cancer worldwide
When Beer Becomes the Burden
AA is not the answer to alcohol addiction for many secular scientists, but there are great alternatives
Ecstasy Precursor Shows How to Reduce Alcohol Cancer Risk—and Curb Drunkenness
A molecule related to the illegal drug teams with an enzyme to mop up alcoholic effects in mice
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: America's Greatest Health Risk of 2015?
Today, up to 25 percent of people in the U.S. are living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to the American Liver Foundation.
Does Drinking Alcohol Protect Against ALS?
Everyone knows that ALS is a very bad disease, an awareness underscored by the recent Ice Bucket Challenge. The death of neurons that results in paralysis can be caused by specific genetic mutations. But in most cases, single genes are not the culprit.
Origins of Human Alcohol Consumption Revealed
A single genetic mutation 10 million years ago endowed human ancestors with an enhanced ability to break down ethanol, likely as they shifted to a terrestrial lifestyle
Supercooled Livers Last for Days
A solution that protects rat livers from freezing could extend the transplant window for human organs
Internet Addiction: Real or Virtual Reality?
In 1995, Ivan Goldberg, a New York psychiatrist, published one of the first diagnostic tests for Internet Addiction Disorder. The criteria appeared on psycom.net, a psychiatry bulletin board, and began with an air of earnest authenticity: "A maladaptive pattern of Internet use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress as manifested by three (or more) [...]
Better Bubbly May Come from England in Future
The historic home of champagne is France but climate change may make growing conditions for the grapes more favorable in England