Humans Are Driving a New Kind of Evolution in Animals
Anthropogenic evolution is affecting species across the planet
Lee Alan Dugatkin is a professor of biology at the University of Louisville. His newest book is The Well-Connected Animal: Social Networks and the Wondrous Complexity of Animal Societies (University of Chicago Press, 2024). Follow Dugatkin on Facebook at facebook.com/lee.dugatkin/.
Humans Are Driving a New Kind of Evolution in Animals
Anthropogenic evolution is affecting species across the planet
Social Animals Seek Power in Surprisingly Complex Ways
It’s not just physical combat—animals have a host of strategies for building clout
Wild Foxes Can Be Transformed into Pets in a Few Generations
To test ideas of animal domestication, a bold experiment in Siberia put evolution on a fast track
Animals Have Their Version of Facebook, Too
In a wide variety of species, who befriends whom strongly influences how individuals and the larger group behave
The Prince of Evolution: Peter Kropotkin's Adventures in Science and Politics
In his new book, Lee Alan Dugatkin tells the tale of one of the world's first modern international celebrities, whose writings shared the common thread of a scientific law of mutual aid, which guided the evolution of all life on Earth
How Females Choose Their Mates
Females often prefer to mate with the most flamboyant males. Their choice may be based on a complex interaction between instinct and imitation