Leaning Tower of Pisa Corrects Itself... a Little
Four centimeters of bonus straightening have occurred since engineering to lessen the list concluded in 2001
Barbie Latza Nadeau is an American journalist who has worked from Rome since 1996. She is author of the upcoming book, Roadmap to Hell: Sex, Drugs and Guns on the Mafia Coast, about sex trafficking and organized crime in Italy.
Leaning Tower of Pisa Corrects Itself... a Little
Four centimeters of bonus straightening have occurred since engineering to lessen the list concluded in 2001
Will Italy’s Ominous Supervolcano Erupt Soon?
Phlegrean Fields is waking up. Scientists are trying to predict what it will do next, and what its unrest means for volcanoes worldwide
Giving Dead Migrants a Name
By pushing forensics to its limits, a courageous scientist is attempting to identify the badly decomposed remains of 700 people who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea
700 Drowned Migrants to Be Recovered from Sunken Smuggler Ship
Two dozen forensic scientists will analyze DNA from a wreck just exhumed from the Mediterranean seafloor
Italy's Olive Trees Didn't Have to Die
New studies about a deadly bacterium threatening the trees suggest that historic groves can be saved
Mistrust of Scientists Is Allowing the Xylella Bacterium to Kill Italy's Olive Trees
Mistrust among growers and scientists may threaten Italy's olive groves more than the nasty bacterium they are fighting
Chain Saw Massacre Escalates Fight between Olive Farmers and Government
Growers in Italy’s fabled Puglia region try to stop officials from cutting down thousands of trees, intended to slow a deadly bacterium
Should Italy's Prized Olive Groves Be Burned to the Ground?
Officials are torching thousands of olive trees without knowing if fire will stop the spread of a lethal bacterium
Massive Convoy to Assist Wrecked Costa Concordia out to Sea
If successfully floated this weekend, the Italian cruise ship will be towed to Genoa for salvage
Capsized Costa Concordia Is Finally Set to Leave Its Watery Grave
Final preparations are under way to refloat and remove the Costa Concordia from the pristine waters off Giglio in what has been the largest and most expensive maritime salvage operation ever attempted.
Setback Averted in Costa Concordia Salvage Close Call
Technicians regained control of a 10-story-tall buoyancy device that came loose from the shipwreck. If they had not been successful, it could have posed a setback for the up-till-now smooth operation
Crippled Costa Concordia Ship is Upright Now What?
The salvage master rushed the final procedure to beat rough seas, but months of work remain before the wreck can be refloated and towed away
Massive Cables Are Slowly Raising the Costa Concordia Shipwreck
Engineers are holding their breath for “the zero hour” when gravity will take over
Crippled Cruise Ship, Costa Concordia, Haunts Italians of Giglio
Island residents cannot forget "the families who came to get the bodies of their loved ones"
Refloating the Wrecked Costa Concordia Cruise Ship Could Ruin Marine Sanctuary
The smallest mistake in refloating the crippled Costa Concordia cruise ship will sink it, creating an environmental disaster