Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2018
Disruptive solutions that are poised to change the world
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Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2018
Disruptive solutions that are poised to change the world
Ingenious Method Reveals Precious Human Remains Hidden in Fossil “Junk”
A new technique for identifying tiny fragments of fossilized bone is helping to answer key questions about when, where and how human species interacted with one another
Sacred Groves: An Ancient Tradition of Nature Conservation
Indian villagers are reviving an ancient tradition to enjoy the ecological benefits it confers
Spooky Quantum Action Passes Test
Recent experiments quash the hope that the unsettling phenomenon of quantum entanglement can be explained away
A Supervolcano with a Cold Heart May Be Brewing in Chile
A supervolcano may be brewing underneath Chile, with a cold interior that is upending ideas about triggers of huge eruptions
Gene Therapy Tackles a Common Birth Defect: Deafness
After false starts, researchers are making progress toward treating deafness with gene therapy
Sponge Cities Can Limit Urban Floods and Droughts
Restoring natural water flows in cities can lessen the impacts of floods and droughts