What Does Plastic Do to the Endocrine System?
Mounting evidence shows the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in plastics are harmful to human health
Emma Bryce is a London-based freelance journalist who writes about climate change, biodiversity and pollution, especially relating to oceans and forests. You can follow her on Twitter @emmasaanne and find her at LinkedIn.
What Does Plastic Do to the Endocrine System?
Mounting evidence shows the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in plastics are harmful to human health
Do Squirrels Remember Where They Buried Their Nuts?
Squirrels spread their fall bounty across several locations. But do they have a key to this treasure map?
Why Is the Amazon So Important for Climate Change?
Here’s why the Amazon rain forest is key to protecting Earth from the detrimental effects of climate change
Germany’s Transition from Coal to Renewables Offers Lessons for the World
How to retrain coal miners and create new jobs