Fight over Rooftop Solar Forecasts a Bright Future for Cleaner Energy
As the cost of solar power drops, more consumers find that they hold the upper hand as utilities fight to maintain paying customers and the relevance of the grid
The growth of solar and wind power has brought these renewable resources into conflict with fossil fuels
Fight over Rooftop Solar Forecasts a Bright Future for Cleaner Energy
As the cost of solar power drops, more consumers find that they hold the upper hand as utilities fight to maintain paying customers and the relevance of the grid
Fracking Hammers Clean Energy Research
Has the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy failed in its mission to create alternative energy breakthroughs?
Can Methane Leaks from Fracking Be Turned into Valuable Gasoline?
If test plants succeed, waste methane could fuel vehicles—but the conversion may not offer much environmental benefit
A Global Transition to Renewable Energy Will Take Many Decades
The great hope for a quick and sweeping transition to renewable energy is wishful thinking
Is the Secret to Cheap Energy Storage Hiding in Harlem? [Slide Show]
The material in disposable batteries may hold the secret to making an inexpensive storage system that can feed the electrical grid
How to Win the War on Coal
Can technology save the world's dirtiest fuel?
How Nuclear Power Can Stop Global Warming
Nuclear power is one of the few technologies that can quickly combat climate change, experts argue
New Technologies Aim to Save Energy--and Lives--with Better Air Conditioning
Innovations could cut the growing amount of energy used for air-conditioning and refrigeration
Fracking Could Help Geothermal Become a Power Player
Why isn't there more use of geothermal energy for power plants?
Is Anything Stopping a Truly Massive Build-Out of Desert Solar Power?
Engineers and industry agree that although challenges abound in utility-scale solar in the sunniest places on Earth, we have the technology to go big in the desert
Will Alternative-Energy Growth Tank During New Fossil-Fuel Glut? [Slide Show]
Abundant natural gas may undermine alternative energy sources, whether nuclear or electro-fuels
Still in Search of the Energy Unknown: A Q&A with ARPA-E Director Cheryl Martin
Amid rising oil and gas production, can the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy get the U.S. to develop alternative, cleaner energy solutions?