Large Hadron Collider’s $17-Billion Successor Moves Forward
A feasibility study on CERN’s Future Circular Collider identifies where and how the machine could be built—but its construction is far from assured
Large Hadron Collider’s $17-Billion Successor Moves Forward
A feasibility study on CERN’s Future Circular Collider identifies where and how the machine could be built—but its construction is far from assured
Road Map for U.S. Particle Physics Wins Broad Approval
A major report plotting the future of U.S. particle physics calls for cuts to the beleaguered DUNE project, advocates a “muon shot” for a next-generation collider and recommends a new survey of the universe’s oldest observable light
To Get Kids Interested in Science, We Have to Let Them Do Science
A pilot program for high schoolers offers a blueprint in getting students involved in cutting-edge particle physics research
Particle Physicists Dream of a Muon Collider
After years spent languishing in obscurity, proposals for a muon collider are regaining momentum among particle physicists
Has Anyone Created a Black Hole on Earth?
A lab-made black hole is beyond current technology but could be possible one day
Physicists Struggle to Unite around Future Plans
Over 10 days, researchers participating in the once-a-decade “Snowmass process” attempted to build a unified scientific vision for the future of particle physics
10 Years after the Higgs, Physicists Are Optimistic for More Discoveries
The Large Hadron Collider recently reopened after upgrades and is ready to explore new territory
How the Higgs Boson Ruined Peter Higgs’s Life
A new biography of the physicist and the particle he predicted reveals his disdain for the spotlight
Large Hadron Collider Seeks New Particles after Major Upgrade
Long-awaited boosts to the world’s most powerful collider could spur breakthroughs in the hunt for physics beyond the Standard Model
CERN Suspends Collaborations with Russia
Citing the military invasion of Ukraine, the world’s leading organization for particle physics research has paused its work with Russia
Elusive Neutrino Candidates Detected in Breakthrough Physics Experiment
At long last, researchers have glimpsed ghostly particles produced by CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
Exotic Four-Quark Particle Spotted at Large Hadron Collider
The rare tetraquark is one of dozens of nonelementary particles discovered at the accelerator and could help test theories about the strong nuclear force