Is Cold-Water Swimming Good for You?
Though sometimes overstated, the benefits of cold-water swimming are slowly becoming clearer
Jesse Greenspan is a San Francisco Bay Area–based freelance journalist who writes about history and the environment.
Is Cold-Water Swimming Good for You?
Though sometimes overstated, the benefits of cold-water swimming are slowly becoming clearer
Is Marijuana Bad for Health? Here’s What We Know So Far
Marijuana’s health impacts—good and bad—are coming into focus
Waiting to Cut the Cord Boosts Premature Babies’ Survival
Delayed umbilical cord snipping is worth the wait for preemies
Are Children’s Books Improving Representation?
Racial and gender disparities persist in award-winning kids’ literature despite recent gains in representation
Air Pollution Is Really Dangerous, Even More New Evidence Shows
Dirty air has been linked to poor health outcomes, ranging from suicidality to low birth weight
Biodiversity Flourishes in Historic Lawn Turned Wildflower Meadow
An experiment at the University of Cambridge highlights the environmental cost of a well-manicured lawn
Even Lawyers Don’t Understand Legalese, New Study Shows
Lawyers and nonlawyers alike prefer contracts written in plain English
Social Media Can Harm Kids. Could New Regulations Help?
As more researchers document the potential harms of social media use, especially for youngsters, both Republicans and Democrats are pushing legislation to rein in platforms
Storm-Chasing Seabirds Ride Out Hurricanes from Inside
Streaked shearwaters head deep into hurricanes to avoid crash landings
Uninhabited Island Reveals Scope of the World's Plastic Problem
Henderson Island is covered in nearly 18 metric tons of trash
Even the Most Remote Islands Harbor Human Messes
Biologists are trying to clean uninhabited U.S. Pacific Islands that are covered in nuclear waste, bird-eating mice and yellow crazy ants
Good News: A Clear-Cut Rain Forest Can Have a Second Life
Given a chance to regenerate, a razed forest in the Amazon can host almost as much life as a virgin one
When Marijuana Kills: Rat Bait at Illegal Pot Farms Is Needlessly Poisoning Larger Animals
New studies reveal the pesticides are especially harming already-endangered Pacific fishers
The Walls Have Compound Eyes: Most Households Teem with Insect Life
Scientists find there’s nearly a 100 percent chance that bugs are creeping, slithering and hopping throughout your home at this very moment
The U.S. Conservation Crisis That No One Hears About
An extinction crisis is quietly unfolding in the southeastern U.S.
Wild Animals of All Stripes Are Adapting to the Cityscape and Thriving
The new science of urban ecology reveals a surprising trend of wildlife adapting to the cityscape