Making Chemistry Safer Is Worth the Price Tag
With chemical spills and other accidents a common occurrence, it’s becoming more expensive to maintain the status quo than to make chemistry safer
Joel Tickner is a professor of environmental health at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he directs the Sustainable Chemistry Catalyst, a research institute focused on research and analysis to accelerate sustainable chemistry. He is also executive director of Change Chemistry (formerly the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council), a multisectoral whole-value-chain organization focused on accelerating commercialization and adoption of sustainable chemistry solutions.
Making Chemistry Safer Is Worth the Price Tag
With chemical spills and other accidents a common occurrence, it’s becoming more expensive to maintain the status quo than to make chemistry safer
Chemistry Urgently Needs to Develop Safer Materials
The damaging effects of accidents like the Ohio train derailment would be minimized if industry would commit to developing safer chemical processes and products