A Solar Panel Standoff Threatens U.S. Climate Plans
Inexpensive Chinese solar panels are pitting Americans who want cheap equipment against those who want to make it
A Solar Panel Standoff Threatens U.S. Climate Plans
Inexpensive Chinese solar panels are pitting Americans who want cheap equipment against those who want to make it
A Golden Age of Renewables Is Beginning, and California Is Leading the Way
California has hit record-breaking milestones in renewable electricity generation, showing that wind, water and solar are ready to cover our electricity needs
What Were the Red Dots around the Total Solar Eclipse?
During the total solar eclipse, skywatchers saw ruby-colored prominences sticking out of the moon's shadow. Here's the science of those red dots
The Solar Eclipse Is Almost Here! Everything You Need to Know
Here’s how to pick a viewing spot, stay on top of the weather and pack the right gear to see the total solar eclipse on April 8
Eclipses Reveal a Comforting Clockwork in Our Chaotic Universe
Eclipses bring the future—or at least a tiny sliver of it—into sharp focus
Are Your Solar Eclipse Glasses Fake? Here’s How to Check
You’re going to want to guard your eyes from the sun using legitimate protective gear
See Where Future U.S. Eclipses Will be Visible
Just how rare are total solar eclipses, which require a perfect alignment of the sun and moon?
Solar Eclipse Experiment Will Fly a Kite to Avoid Cloudy Skies
A kite-borne experiment will observe the sun’s mysterious corona during the upcoming total solar eclipse
NASA’s Hopes for Space Solar Power Are Looking Dim
Exorbitant launch costs and daunting engineering challenges make the dream of space-
based solar power look dicey for the space agency
How to Explain April’s Total Solar Eclipse to Kids
The total solar eclipse over North America this April is a great opportunity for kids to understand the dance of the Earth, sun and moon
Why Does a Solar Eclipse Move West to East?
Here’s why the path of a solar eclipse travels in the opposite direction of that of the sun
Renewable Power Set to Surpass Coal Globally by 2025
Renewable energy will surpass coal power by 2025 and, with nuclear energy, will account for nearly half the world’s power generation by 2026, the International Energy Agency forecasts