How to Make Alien Ice
Tricks to produce strange “ordered” ice could reveal new ice forms
Elise Cutts is a freelance science journalist who covers the earth and life sciences.
How to Make Alien Ice
Tricks to produce strange “ordered” ice could reveal new ice forms
Secret Mathematical Patterns Revealed in Bach’s Music
Physicists found that the music of Johann Sebastian Bach contains mathematical patterns that help convey information
Bilingualism Is Reworking This Language’s Rainbow
The Tsimane’ language divides the rainbow into blackish, reddish and whitish. But bilingual Spanish and Tsimane’ speakers are changing that
This Molecule Is a Nanoscale Bulldozer
Researchers discovered that a heart-shaped molecule will jump in straight lines when given an electric jolt
Scientists Find a New Spin on Winning the ‘Bottle Flip’ Challenge
Do try this at home
This Quantum Fluid Freezes When Heated
Physicists finally understand why heating a supercold quantum fluid freezes it into a solid
Scientists Create Cyborg Bacteria
Bacteria with artificial hydrogel skeletons could be used as tiny robots
Bizarre Quantum Tunneling Observation Throws Out All the Rules
The strange phenomenon of quantum tunneling has been observed in a chemical reaction that defies classical physics
Stone Age Animal Urine Could Solve a Mystery about Technological Development
Millennia of a rodentlike animal’s urine preserve crucial data that could help scientists understand early humans’ leap forward
How Plants’ Plumbing Let Them Conquer the World
To protect from deadly drought and make it on land, plants developed complicated inner plumbing
Electric Countdown Tells Sleeping Spores When to Wake Up
Do sleeping spores dream of electric sheep?
Rivers Dump Mercury into Coastal Fisheries
Most of the pollutant arrives at the coasts by river