Florida’s Surgeon General Shows the Danger of Politicizing Medicine
Florida state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo’s rejection of evidence-based policy stems from political rather than scientific motivations and puts innocent people at risk
Florida’s Surgeon General Shows the Danger of Politicizing Medicine
Florida state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo’s rejection of evidence-based policy stems from political rather than scientific motivations and puts innocent people at risk
Mandating ‘Conversion Therapy’ Is Mandating Abuse
Despite some lawmakers’ claims, “cure-based recovery” for gay and transgender people comprises one of psychiatry’s longest and darkest chapters. We shouldn’t inflict it on today’s kids
Aggression Disorders Are Serious, Stigmatized and Treatable
Researchers have a clearer picture than ever before of how common conditions that involve aggressive behavior emerge and how treatment can help
Babies Exposed to COVID in the Womb Are More Likely to Suffer Breathing Problems
Infants born to people who had COVID while pregnant are at a higher risk of respiratory distress, but vaccination greatly lowers the risk
The Real Story Behind ‘White Lung Pneumonia’
Separate outbreaks of pneumonia in children have cropped up in the U.S., China and Europe. Public health experts say the uptick in cases is not caused by a novel pathogen
Losing a Grandparent Hurts Boys at School
The death of a grandparent may be a rite of passage, but it is not harmless for many boys, particularly boys of color. Losing a grandparent in childhood corresponds with lower reading, math and verbal skills among boys at a critical age
In War-Torn Ukraine, a Doctor Evacuates Children with Cancer
A pediatric oncologist is racing against time to send scores of sick children out of Ukraine for medical aid.
C-section Rates Are Way Too High. We Need to Hold Doctors and Hospitals Accountable
Around half a million excess cesarean births occur every year in the U.S., putting mothers’ lives at risk
CDC to Reduce Funding for States’ Child Vaccination Programs
States will get less funding for childhood vaccines, a move linked to the recent debt ceiling deal
Should You Give Your Kid Melatonin?
Young children are taking melatonin gummy supplements, but experts say they should be a last resort to help with sleep
A Proposal to Change Medical Training Will Affect Autism Care
The prevalence of autism and other developmental disorders is rising. Changing who teaches early-career pediatricians about these issues will negatively affect children’s health
Rural Children Now Grow Slightly Taller Than City Children in Wealthy Countries
A new international study finds that the growth and development benefits of children living in cities may have diminished in the past three decades