A Citrus-Scented Cannabis Compound Reduces Anxiety for Weed Users
New research into weed reveals how a lemon-scented terpene can ease anxiety without reducing the high.
A Citrus-Scented Cannabis Compound Reduces Anxiety for Weed Users
New research into weed reveals how a lemon-scented terpene can ease anxiety without reducing the high.
Is Cannabis Bad for Teens? Data Paint a Conflicting Picture
Ten years after cannabis was first legalized for recreational use in adults, scientists are struggling to provide evidence-based recommendations about the risks to young people
Science Reveals How to Roll the Perfect Joint
Researchers used a smoking machine to test the intensity of marijuana rolled into joints
New Drug for Cannabis Use Disorder Shows Promise in Early Trials in Humans
A new pill could be the first to help the more than 14 million people in the U.S. who struggle to control their marijuana use
The Federal Government Should Decriminalize Marijuana
An ideal federal marijuana policy would reduce arrests while supporting a highly regulated marketplace
Hair Testing for Drug Use Gains Traction
Critics say the practice, which may lead to possible racial bias, has outpaced the science
Go Ask Alice: The History of Toklas’ Legendary Hashish Fudge
Alice B. Toklas truly stirred the pot when she included a recipe for hashish fudge in her memoir-cum-cookbook. She published The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook in 1954, following the death of her lifelong partner, Gertrude Stein.
Foods On The High End: Exploring Haute Cuisine Cannabis
Inside and outside the kitchen, chefs have been known to get into the weeds–but the majority of culinary cannabis creations have been mainly limited to a few cakes, cookies, and of course, the archetypal pot brownie.
Why Marijuana Gives People the Munchies
For consumers of cannabis, passing the kouchie can often lead to the inability to pass up any munchies. A recent study conducted by a team of neuroscientists and led by Edgar Soria-Gómez and Giovanni Marsicano may shed some light on the marijuana-munchies connection.
Beauty: K2 to Deal, with Abscesses and Bullets
This post is part of a collaborative narrative series composed of my writing and Chris Arnade’s photos exploring issues of addiction, poverty, prostitution and urban anthropology in Hunts Point, Bronx.
An Ingredient of Pot May Help People with Epilepsy
A new marijuana-derived drug may treat epileptic children, without the high
Medical Marijuana: How the Evidence Stacks Up
For many conditions, marijuana's effectiveness remains uncertain